Yukikaze (戦闘妖精雪風) is a five-episode Japanese direct-to-video anime series produced by Gonzo and Bandai Visual and was released in Japan from August 28, 2002 to August 25, 2005. It is based on a popular science fiction novel by Chōhei Kambayashi, and was produced in commemoration of Bandai Visual's 20th anniversary. It was also later aired in Japan on the anime television network Animax, who later aired in its English language networks across Southeast Asia and other networks worldwide.
English Voice Cast
- Barbara Goodson - Lynn Jackson
- Carol Stanzione - Rydia Cooley
- Dan Worren - James Bukhar
- David Mallow - Ansel Rombart
- Doug Stone - Guneau
- Eddie Frierson - Richard Burgadish
- Grant Albrecht - Yazawa
- Jamieson Price - Narrator
- Joshua Seth - Ito
- Kari Wahlgren - Edith Foss
- Paul Stephen - Ito
- Philece Sampler - Marnie
- Steve Prince - Tom John
- Steve Staley - Rei Fukai
Additional Voices
- Barry Stigler
- Bob Papenbrook
- Brian Beacock
- Carrie Daniels
- Chris Carroll
- Chris Smith
- Cindy Robinson
- Dan Lorge
- Dave Wittenberg
- David Earnest
- David Lodge
- Doug Erholtz
- Fred Sanders
- Grant George
- James Murray
- Joe Cappelletti
- Kate Higgins
- Kirk Baily
- Kirk Thornton
- Liam O'Brien
- Michael McConnohie
- Michael Sorich
- Michelle Ruff
- Neil Kaplan
- Peter Doyle
- Richard Cansino
- Stephanie Sheh
- Steve Blum
- Steve Davies
- Tony Oliver
- Yuri Lowenthal