Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune is a 2023 original net anime series based on the novel series written by Carlo Zen and illustrated by so-bin. It was produced by Arect and premiered in its entirety on Netflix on May 18, 2023, consisting of six episodes. The English dub of the series was produced by Iyuno-SDI Group.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Frankie Kevich - Zihan Yang
- Stephen Fu - Akira Ihotsu
Secondary Cast[]
- Alejandro Saab - Erland Martonen
- Cherami Leigh - Amalia Schulz
- Patrick Seitz - Rimel
- Ron Bottitta - Vasa Pupkin
- Zeno Robinson - Tyron Baxter
Minor Cast[]
- Vic Chao - Egs
Additional Voices[]
- Amber Lee Connors
- Bill Rogers
- Cherami Leigh
- Christopher Sean
- Frankie Kevich
- J. Michael Tatum
- Joe Hernandez
- Patrick Seitz
- River Vitae
- Ryan Colt Levy
- Ron Bottitta
- Todd Haberkorn
- Tyson Rinehart
- Vic Chao