Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion is a 2023 anime series based on the Korean manhwa series written by Milcha and illustrated by Whale. It will be produced by Typhoon Graphics and is set to premiere on Crunchyroll in both Japanese and English on April 10, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Ian Sinclair - Noah Voltaire Wynknight
- Lindsay Seidel - Raeliana McMillan/Rinko Hanasaki
Secondary Cast[]
- Eduardo Vildasol - Adam Taylor
- Emi Lo - Heika Demint
- Ivan Jasso - Justin Shamal
- Lee George - Keith Westernburg
- Monica Rial - Vivian Shamal
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Michael - Johndein McMillan
- Alex Mai - Whitton
- Alex Organ - Siatrich Newreal Chamos
- Brianna Roberts - Katie McMillan
- Cassie Ewulu - Haley
- Celeste Perez - Freese Eriteal
- Cory Phillips - Francis Brooks
- Francine Gonzalez - Stephanie Carlisle
- Hannah Alyea - Venia
- Jenny Ledel - Naomi O'Brian
- John Burgmeier - Heika Demint (adult)
- John Gremillion - Marquess Eriteal
- Kelsey Maher - Elma
- Lara Woodhull - Rosemary McMillan
- Lexi Nieto - Ansley
- Macy Anne Johnson - Beatrice Tranche
- Michael Stimac - Wade Davis
- Naya Moreno - Lady Baylene
- Nazeeh Tarsha - Jake Langston
- Oscar Seung - Nick Maddox
- Richard L. Olsen - Gideon Jura
- Samuel Largent - Bowie
- Tiffany Solano - Christine Barkley