Welcome to the N.H.K. is a 24-episode anime adaptation produced by Gonzo and directed by Yusuke Yamamoto. It aired in Japan between July 9 and December 17, 2006 on Chiba TV and on later dates on other JAITS stations. Hiroshima Home Television, a local ANN station in Hiroshima, aired the series from July 16 to December 23, 2006. The series was coordinated by Satoru Nishizono, featured character design by Takahiko Yoshida, and the music was headed by Masao Fukuda. ADV Films licensed the anime for $240,000 and released the first DVD of the English edition in October 2007. In 2008, the English license was transferred to FUNimation Entertainment.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Chris Patton - Tatsuhiro Sato
- Greg Ayres - Kaoru Yamazaki
- Stephanie Wittels - Misaki Nakahara
Secondary Cast[]
- Luci Christian - Hitomi Kashiwa
- Monica Rial - Megumi Kobayashi
Minor Cast[]
- Christine Auten - Shizue Sato
- David Wald - Akira Jogasaki, Hideto Nomura
- Jay Hickman - Taxi Driver (ep24)
- John Swasey - Go Minegishi, Soba Noodle Proprietor (ep19), Sukekiyo Sagawa
- K.C. Jones - Yu Kusano
- Luci Christian - Maid (ep18)
- Mark X. Laskowski - Misaki's Grandfather (ep23)
- Monica Rial - Dancing Puddings (ep1), Kazuko (Misaki's Aunt), Mia (eps15-16), Nanako Midorikawa
- Shelley Calene-Black - Soba Noodle Proprietress (ep19)
Additional Voices[]
- Brooke Henderson
- Caitlin Glass
- Charles Campbell
- Chris Ayres
- Christine Auten
- David Wald
- Eden J. Barrera
- Eric Berding
- Eric Love
- Jay Hickman
- Josh Swasey
- K.C. Jones
- Luci Christian
- Mark X. Laskowski
- Mike Vance
- Monica Rial
- Olivia Swasey
- Serena Varghese