WIND BREAKER is a 2024 anime based on the manga series written and illustrated by Satoru Nii. It is produced by Aniplex and CloverWorks, and premiered in Japan on April 4, 2024. Aniplex of America and Crunchyroll are producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on the latter's streaming service on April 18, 2024.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Aaron Campbell - Hajime Umemiya
- Austin Tindle - Haruka Sakura
- Bryson Baugus - Akihiko Nirei
- Dallas Reid - Hayato Suō
Secondary Cast[]
- Alex Hom - Yukinari Arima
- Chris Guerrero - Jō Togame
- Derick Snow - Chōji Tomiyama
- Hollis Beck - Kotoha Tachibana
- Ian Mead Moore - Kōta Sako
- Kyle Igneczi - Minoru Kanuma
- Nick Huber - Tōma Hiragi
- Orion Pitts - Kyōtarō Sugishita
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Michael - Jien Yanagida
- Bryn Apprill - Young Sako
- Drew Breedlove - Mitsuki Kiryu
- Greg Dulcie - Yama
- Jordan Dash Cruz - Taiga Tsugeura
- Katie Wetch - Mio Tsuchiya
- Kevin D. Thelwell - Kaji Ren
- Michael Stimac - Yodai Matsumoto
- Sean Letourneau - Uryu Sakaki
- Travis Mullenix - Atsushi Nagato