Vermeil in Gold is a 2022 anime series based on the manga series written by Kōta Amana and illustrated by Yōko Umezu. It was produced by Staple Entertainment and aired in Japan from July 5 to September 20, 2022, consisting of twelve episodes. Sentai Filmworks is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on HIDIVE on September 27, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Kira Vincent-Davis - Lilia Kudelfeyt
- Mike Haimoto - Alto Goldfield
- Monica Rial - Vermeil
Secondary Cast[]
- Adam Gibbs - Obsidian
- Annie Wild - Sharol Iridescence
- Brenda Palestina - François
- Elissa Cuellar - Heliodor
- Genevieve Simmons - Elena Kimberlight
- Jeremy Gee - Shinōji Ryūga
- Joanne Bonasso - Fatema
- Joe Daniels - Marcus Parston
- Kara Greenberg - Jessica Schwarz
- Olivia Swasey - Chris Westland
- Scott Gibbs - Iolite
- Shelley Calene-Black - Kohakumiya
Minor Cast[]
- Allison Sumrall - Sister (ep11)
- Alyssa Marek - Mielle (ep11)
- Andrew Love - Mackenzer (ep10)
- Brandon Hearnsberger - Rex Forward (eps2-6)
- Dominique Meyer - Emma (ep4)
- Greg Ayres - Bro (ep2)
- Jay Hickman - Summon Teacher
- John Swasey - Headmaster (ep2), Narrator
- Matthew Rudd - Pharanx (eps8-10)
- Nathan Wilson - Alan (eps3, 5, 8, 12)
- Raven Troup - Lin (ep11)
- Shane Fenimore - Rival (ep9)
- Shannon Emerick - Cait (ep11)
Additional Voices[]
- Andrew Love
- Annie Wild
- Brandon Hearnsberger
- Brenda Palestina
- Courtland Johnson
- Cyrus Rodas
- David Lascoe
- Dee Vera
- Dominique Meyer
- Elissa Cuellar
- Greg Ayres
- James Marler
- Jay Hickman
- Jeremy Gee
- Joanne Bonasso
- Joe Daniels
- John Swasey
- Kara Greenberg
- Kyle Jones
- Mai Le
- Matthew Rudd
- Nathan Wilson
- Olivia Swasey
- Patrick Marrero
- Shane Fenimore
- Shannon Emerick
- Shannon Reed
- Shelley Calene-Black