Vampire in the Garden is a 2022 Netflix original anime series produced by Wit Studio, written and directed by Ryōtarō Makihara, and produced by Hitoshi Itou. It premiered worldwide on May 16, 2022, consisting of five episodes. The English dub of the series was produced by NYAV Post.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Larissa Gallagher - Fine
- Xanthe Huynh - Momo
Secondary Cast[]
- Connor Fogarty - Kubo
- Lipica Shah - Nobara
- Paul Castro Jr. - Allegro
Minor Cast[]
- Alan Lee - Sakazaki (eps2, 4-5)
- Andrew Kishino - Instructor (ep1), Kagyū (eps2, 4-5)
- Anne Yatco - Kaede
- Cassandra Lee Morris - Ilisha (eps3-4)
- Frank Todaro - Elder (ep4)
- Joe Ochman - Charlie
- Kellen Goff - Bill (ep2), Guin
- Kirk Thornton - Largo (ep2)
- Luis Bermudez - Hasumi (eps4-5), Lt. Commander
- Megan Harvey - Milana (eps1-2)
- Michael Sinterniklaas - Aaron (ep2)
- Michael Sorich - Host (eps3-4)
- Stephanie Sheh - Kubo's Wife, Pamela (ep1)
- Xanthe Huynh - Aria