Urahara is a 2017 anime based on the web comic "PARK Harajuku: Crisis Team!" It ran in Japan from October 4, 2017 to December 20, 2017. Funimation Entertainment produced an English dub, which ran on Funimation's streaming service from October 31, 2017 to January 16, 2018 before being released on home video on December 18, 2018.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - Mari Shirako
- Julie Shields - Rito Sudo
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Kotoko Watatsumugi
Secondary Cast[]
- Anthony Bowling - Ebifurya
- Monica Rial - Misa Maruno
- Tia Ballard - Sayumin
Minor Cast[]
- Alex Moore - DJ Aoyama
- Amber Lee Connors - Shirako Sister A
- Christopher Wehkamp - Ebi
- Emily Fajardo - Customer (ep4), Shirako Sister B
- Jeremy Inman - Kotoko's Father (ep7)
- Rachel Michelle Thompson - Midori (ep6), Shirako Sister C
- Samantha Herek - Kotoko's Mother (ep7)
- Sara Ragsdale - News Anchor (ep1)