Trillion Game is a 2024 anime based on the manga series written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Ryoichi Ikegami. It premiered in Japan on October 4, 2024. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on October 17, 2024.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Chase Kloza - Manabu "Gaku" Taira
- Cody Savoie - Haru Tennōji
- Katelyn Barr - Kirika Kokuryū
Secondary Cast[]
- Dylan Mobley - Nagase
- Izzi Raine - Mizuki
- Marcus Stimac - Kazuki Kedōin
- Monica Flatley - Rinrin Takahashi
Minor Cast[]
- Marcus Rothenberg - Maeyamada (ep2)
- Trisha Mellon - Flag (ep3)
Additional Voices[]
- Aaron Michael
- Austin Hively
- Bev Mageto
- Brad Foster
- Bradley Gareth
- Branden Loera
- Brandon Solis
- Bryan Massey - Interviewers (ep1)
- Campbell Cooley - Interviewers (ep1)
- Cayla Martin
- Charles Nguyen
- Chris Long
- Christian Thorsen
- Christopher Johnson
- Conner Allison
- Corey Pettit
- Danielle Phillips
- Daryl Mayfield
- Drew Breedlove
- Erin Nicole Lundquist
- Ethan Gallardo
- Granite Stout-Omvig
- Hannah Alyea
- Jack Broadbent
- Jackoby Clinton
- Jacob Browning - Interviewers (ep1)
- Jacob Eiseman
- James Larabee
- Jim Foronda
- Kelly Greenshield
- Kevin D. Thelwell
- Kimmie Britt
- Kristian Eros
- Leo Matthews
- Lisette Monique Diaz
- Marisa Duran
- Mark Allen Jr.
- Matthew Elkins
- Monica Piskor
- Monica Rial
- Nick Huber
- Philip Annarella
- Rachel Glass
- Rachel Thompson
- Ryan Negrón
- Ryan Seale
- Scott Montano
- Skyler McIntosh
- SuzAnne DeCarma
- T.J. Anthony
- Tristan Bonner
- Van Barr Jr.
- Yussef Benelbar