Those Who Hunt Elves (エルフを狩るモノたち) is an anime based on the manga series by Yu Yagami, released in North America on VHS and DVD by ADV Films.
English Voice Cast
Main Cast
- Andrew Klimko - Junpei Ryuzoj
- Jessica Calvello - Celcia Marie Claire
- Kelly Manison - Airi Komiyama
- Rozie Curtis - Ritsuko Inoue
Minor Cast
- Aaron Krohn - Bath House Master (ep4), Yuri (ep3)
- Alissa Alban - Prosecution Judge (ep12)
- Amy Jackson - Emmy (ep8)
- Anna Bechtol - Villager (ep8)
- Anthony Dorian - Captain Sunfish (ep1)
- Bob Elliot - Bishop Ahab (ep11)
- Brad Atwell - Guard (ep9)
- Brett Weaver - Pirate Hammerhead (ep1)
- Carl Marks - Guard (ep9)
- Catherine Eisele - Elf (ep7)
- Chris Mattsen - Drunk (ep9)
- Christopher Borque - Mike (eps9-12)
- Cynthia Martinez - Carrie (ep7), Tatrise (ep6)
- Dan Rockwell - Guard (ep9)
- Danny Stone - Guard Captain (ep9)
- Danny Travis - Martin (ep8)
- David Bell - Salmon (ep1)
- David LeMaster - Codfish (ep1)
- Donl Johnson - Skeleton (ep3), Soldier (ep3)
- Doug Smith - Ogre (ep2), The Prince (ep9), Villager (ep1)
- Gene Landry - Ogre (ep2), Rapier's Master (ep4), Villager (ep1)
- Greg Stanley - Octopus (ep1)
- Griffin D Vance - Barrista (ep11)
- Guil Lunde - Chef (ep1), Townsman (ep2), Villager (ep1)
- Heather Bryson - Emily
- Hilary Haag - Rose (ep7), Suki (ep6)
- Hiroko Fukumori - Elf (ep7)
- James Bates - Villager (ep5)
- Jason Douglas - Arrow (ep5)
- Joe Jaworski - Mike (eps5-8)
- John Gremillion - David (ep7), Pierre (ep8)
- John Swasey - Head Apprentice (ep4), Townsman (ep3)
- Karen Coffer - Customer (ep9), Luffard (ep6)
- Keith Brenton - Apprentice (ep4), Townsman (ep3)
- Kelly Jean Beard - Cashier (ep11), Daisy (ep7), Villager (ep8)
- Kevin Hinnant - Villager (ep5)
- Kim Sevier - Gabriella (ep2), Skeleton (ep3)
- Kira - Ninja Elf (ep10), Romina, Violet (ep7)
- Kurt Stoll - Bronco (ep1), Townsman (ep2)
- Lana Ford - Elf (ep7)
- Laura Attwell - Elf (ep7)
- Laura Chapman - Rapier (ep4)
- Lew Temple - Bishop (ep6), Bishop Benal (ep11), Drunk (ep9), Emmaeus (ep5)
- Luci Christian - Colleena (ep9), Waitress (ep11)
- Malinda Talbot - Caretaker (ep3)
- Marcie Corder - Milliea
- Matt Greenfield - The Mayor (ep10)
- Matthew Kelley - Papa Elf (ep10)
- Melissa Cybele Sparks - Annette
- Mike Kleinhenz - Judge
- Pamela Lauer - Lily (ep7), Lucy (ep8)
- Paul Hope - Gild (ep11)
- Phil Ross - Bishop (ep6), Sensei Monk (ep5)
- Randy Sparks - Andy (ep1), Bishop B (ep2)
- Rebecca Connelly - Dihal, Priestess (ep10)
- Rene Rivera - Annette (ep6)
- Ricardo Villa - Sparky (ep5)
- Rob Bundy - Bishop A (ep2)
- Robert Jauregi - Apprentice (ep4), Waiter (ep3)
- Rod Peters - Guard (ep9), Pirate Conger Eel (ep1), Townsman (ep2)
- Sara Chamblass - Grace (ep9)
- Todd Greenfield - Ogre (ep2), Pirate Flatfish (ep1)
- Tom Richards - Kolchak (ep4), Soldier (ep3)
- Travoi Tuttle - Angler (ep1)
Additional Voices
- Andrew Klimko
- Andy Orjuela
- Anthony Dorian
- Brad Atwell
- Brett Weaver
- Brian Converse
- David Bell
- David LeMaster
- Doug Smith
- Gene Landry
- Greg Stanley
- Guil Lunde
- Kurt Stoll
- Malinda Talbot
- Melissa Cybele Sparks
- Rod Peters
- Todd Greenfield
- Travoi Tuttle