The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess is a 2023 anime based on the light novel series written by Kotei Kobayashi and illustrated by Riichu. It is produced by Project No.9 and aired in Japan from October 7 to December 30, 2023, consisting of twelve episodes. Sentai Filmworks is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on HIDIVE on April 15, 2024.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Brittney Karbowski - Terakomari Gandesblood
- Donna Bella Litton - Villhaze
Secondary Cast[]
- Andrew Love - Belius Innu Cerberus
- Annie Wild - Melca Tiano
- Brandon Hearnsberger - Armand Gandesblood
- Brittany Lauda - Thio Flat
- Cara Nguyen - Karla Amatsu
- Emi Lo - Nelia Cunningham
- Greg Ayres - Mellaconcey
- Jack Stansbury - Johan Helders
- Joe Daniels - Guerra Madhardt
- Juliet Simmons - Sakuna Memoir
- Karlii Hoch - Gertrude
- Kira Vincent-Davis - Karen Helvetius
- Natalie Rial - Millicent Bluenight
- Scott Gibbs - Chaostel Conte
- Shelley Calene-Black - Flöte Mascarail
Minor Cast[]
- Alyssa Marek - Delphyne (eps10-11)
- Annie Wild - Cornelius (eps10, 12)
- Cyrus Rodas - Bucephalus (ep7)
- David Wald - Odilon (ep6)
- Jack Ivy - Helldeus (eps5-6, 10, 12)
- Jay Hickman - Kakumei Amatsu (eps4, 10, 12)
- John Gremillion - Millicent's Father (ep4)
- Luci Christian - Broadcaster (ep7)
- Nathan Wilson - Pascal Rainsworth (eps 10-12)