The Tale of the Princess Kaguya is a 2013 Japanese animated historical fantasy film based on "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter", a tenth century Japanese literary tale. It was produced by Studio Ghibli and premiered in Japanese theaters on November 23, 2013. The English dub of the film was produced by GKIDS and Studiopolis, which was released in select theaters in North America on October 17, 2014. It was also released on DVD and Blu-ray on February 17, 2015.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Chloƫ Grace Moretz - Kaguya
Secondary Cast[]
- Darren Criss - Sutemaru
- James Caan - The Bamboo Cutter
- Mary Steenburgen - The Bamboo Cutter's Wife
Minor Cast[]
- Beau Bridges - Prince Kuramochi
- Brian Leone - Villager
- Caitlyn Leone - Young Kaguya
- Daniel Dae Kim - Great Counselor Otomo
- Dean Cain - The Mikado
- Emily Bridges - Kitanokata
- George Segal - Inbe no Akita
- Hynden Walch - Menowarawa
- James Marsden - Prince Ishitsukuri
- John Cho - Middle Counselor Isonokami
- Liam O'Brien - Ayabe no Uchimaro
- Lucy Liu - Sagami
- Michael Leone - Villager
- Oliver Platt - Lord Minster of Right Abe
Additional Voices[]
- Andre Robinson
- Dave Zyler
- Elisa Gabrielli
- Holly Dorff Long
- Hope Levy
- Hudson Thames
- James Nardini
- John C. Storey
- Moosie Drier
- Newell Alexander
- Rosemary Alexander
- Warren Sroka