The Stranger by the Shore is an anime film based on the L'étranger manga series written and illustrated by Kanna Kii. The film was released in Japan on September 11, 2020. As of July 9, 2021, the English dub of the film can be now streamed on FUNimation Entertainment.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Josh Grelle - Shun Hashimoto
- Justin Briner - Mio Chibana
Secondary Cast[]
- Amber Lee Connors - Sakurako
- Bryn Apprill - Suzu
- Morgan Lauré - Eri
Minor Cast[]
- Brandon McInnis - Wada
- Brittney Karbowski - Mio's Mother
- Ciarán Strange - Mimi's Bar Employee
- David Wald - Shun's Father
- Jessica Cavanagh - Auntie
- Marissa Lenti - Shun's Cat
- Mary Morgan - Shun Hashimoto (Young)
- Monica Rial - Shun's Mother
- Steph Garrett - Mio Chibana (Young)