The Seven Deadly Sins: Dragon's Judgement is the sequel to The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath of the Gods and the fourth season of the franchise as a whole. It aired in Japan from January 13 to June 23, 2021, consisting of twenty-four episodes. Netflix globally released the first half of the season's English dub on June 28, 2021, then released the second half on September 23.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Ben Diskin - Ban
- Bryce Papenbrook - Meliodas
- Cristina Vee - Hawk
- Erica Mendez - Diane
- Erik Scott Kimerer - Gowther
- Erika Harlacher - Elizabeth Liones
- Kyle Hebert - Escanor
- Lauren Landa - Merlin
- Max Mittelman - King
Secondary Cast[]
- Allegra Clark - Derieri
- Armen Taylor - Cusack
- Bill Millsap - Tarmiel
- Brianna Knickerbocker - Elaine
- Bryce Papenbrook - Zeldris
- David Vincent - Estarossa
- Dorothy Fahn - Margaret Liones
- Erica Lindbeck - Jericho
- Griffin Burns - Sariel
- J. Michael Tatum - Demon King Zeldris
- Jamieson K. Price - Dreyfus
- Jason Marnocha - Demon King
- John DeMita - Chandler
- Jordan Reynolds - Ludociel
- Kaiji Tang - Hendrickson
- Ray Chase - Howzer
- Robbie Daymond - Gilthunder
Minor Cast[]
- Abby Trott - Cath, Puora, Veronica Liones (eps13-14)
- Allegra Clark - Matrona
- Amber Lee Connors - Gelda
- Arthur Romeo - Cute Monster (ep1), Hunter (ep3), Indigenous Creature (ep2)
- Ben Lepley - Deathpierce
- Bill Millsap - Grey Demon (ep8)
- Billy Kametz - Arden (ep24)
- Brook Chalmers - Original Demon
- Carrie Keranen - Guila (eps11, 13, 24)
- Cherami Leigh - Jenna (ep19)
- Chris Cason - Narrator
- Chris Hackney - Nanashi (ep24)
- Crispin Freeman - Purity, Red Feather Knight (ep8), Rou
- David Errigo Jr. - Young Estarossa
- David Vincent - Mael
- Deborah Gatton - Vivian (ep13)
- Dorothy Fahn - Fairy Grey (ep8)
- Doug Erholtz - Slader (ep13)
- Erica Lindbeck - Fairy Pink (ep8)
- Greg Chun - Demon Gowther
- Jamieson K. Price - Demon (ep7), Red Demon (ep8)
- Jason Marnocha - Foreign Creature (ep2)
- Jeannie Tirado - Tristan (ep24)
- Kaiji Tang - Copper Demon (ep8)
- Katie Leigh - Mead (ep14)
- Kayli Mills - Deldry (ep24)
- Keith Silverstein - Monspeet
- Kira Buckland - Escanor Child (ep18)
- Kyle Hebert - Hawk Mama, Man (ep6), Yellow Knight (ep8)
- Kyle McCarley - Helbram, Truth, Yellow Feather Knight (ep8)
- Laura Stahl - Gerheade
- Lizzie Freeman - Orlondi
- Lucien Dodge - Simon (eps13, 24)
- Marianne Miller - Demon (ep7), Gloxinia
- Michael McConnohie - Bartra Liones
- Michelle Ruff - Priestess of Chaos, Zaneri (ep19)
- Mick Lauer - Demon King Meliodas
- Mike McFarland - Wild
- Patrick Seitz - Griamore, Oslo
- Ray Chase - Head Monster (ep12)
- Robbie Daymond - Green Knight (ep8)
- Stephanie Sheh - Zeal (ep13)
- Xanthe Huynh - Nadja Liones
- Zach Aguilar - Arthur Pendragon