The Rising of the Shield Hero is a 2019 anime series based on the light novel series by Aneko Yusagi. It is produced by Kinema Citrus and its first season aired in Japan from January 9 to June 26, 2019, consisting of twenty-five episodes. The series is licensed by Crunchyroll and its English dub is produced by Bang Zoom! Entertainment.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Billy Kametz - Naofumi Iwatani (Season 1)
- Brianna Knickerbocker - Filo
- Erica Mendez - Raphtalia
- Stephen Fu - Naofumi Iwatani (Season 2+)
Secondary Cast[]
- Alan Lee - Ren Amaki
- Alejandro Saab - L'arc Berg
- Alice Himora - Nadia
- Amber Lee Connors - Ost Horai
- Cristina Valenzuela - Fitoria
- Erik Scott Kimerer - Itsuki Kawasumi
- Erika Harlacher - Therese Alexanderite
- Faye Mata - Malty S. Melromarc
- Imari Williams - Erhard
- Jackie Lastra - Princess Melty Q. Melromarc
- Katelyn Gault - Queen Mirellia Q. Melromarc
- Kieran Regan - Fohl
- Kira Buckland - Rishia Ivyred
- Lisa Reimold - S'yne Lokk
- Lizzie Freeman - Kizuna Kazayama
- Morgan Berry - Glass
- Sean Chiplock - Kyo Ethnina
- Taylor Henry - Aultcray Melromarc XXXII
- Xander Mobus - Motoyasu Kitamura
Minor Cast[]
- Aleks Le - Ake
- Alexander Gross - Yuji
- Alice Himora - Wyndia
- Barbara Goodson - Elrasla Grilaroc
- Bill Rogers - Accessories Dealer (eps6-7)
- Brandon McInnis - Kazuki
- Caleb Yen - Ethnobalt (eps34, 36-37)
- Christopher Corey Smith - Biscas T. Balmus
- D.C. Douglas - Captain, Mald (eps21-22)
- Damon Alums - Wyndia's Father
- Dawn M. Bennett - Eclair Seaetto (eps27-28, 33)
- Frank Todaro - Beloukas (The Slave Trader)
- Jackie Lastra - Gaeleon
- Kimberly Woods - Yomogi Emarl
- Kimlinh Tran - Keel
- Luis Bermudez - Haikazuya Commander (eps27-28, 30)
- Marisa Duran - Konishi (ep37), Tsugumi (eps33, 35-37)
- Mark Whitten - Van Reichnott
- Matthew David Rudd - Earl of Habenburg (ep23)
- Matthew S. Greenbaum - Demi-human, Priest
- Morgan Lauré - Romina (ep36)
- Steve Kramer - Commander of the State of Midius
- Stuart Krug - Rishia's Father (ep29), Tollynemiya (ep43)
- Tom Fahn - Idol Rabier
- Xanthe Huynh - Rifana