The Island of Giant Insects is a Japanese anime series based on the manga of the same name by Yasutaka Fujimi and illustrated by REDICE. The first OVA episode was released on June 20, 2019. A movie that was released in January 10, 2020.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Sarah Roach - Mutsumi Oribe
Secondary Cast[]
- Alejandro Saab - Kazuhiko Kai
- Amber Lee Connors - Mirei Jinno
- Brittney Karbowski - Ayumi Matsuoka
- Elsie Lovelock - Inaho Enoki
- Kayli Mills - Mami Miura
- Lizzie Ray - Chitose Naruse
- Nick Landis - Atsushi Kamijō
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Ai Inō
Minor Cast[]
- Brendan Blaber - Hiroshi Tsuge
- Erica Muse - Victim
- Michaela Laws - Emiko Miyazono
- YongYea - Satoshi Oda