The Irregular at Magic High School is a 2014 anime series that is based on the web novel series by Tsutomu Satō. It aired in Japan from April 6 to September 28, 2014, consisting of 26 episodes. Aniplex of America and Bang Zoom! Entertainment have produced an English dub of the series, which can now be streamed on Hulu as of January 19, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Alejandro Saab - Tatsuya Shiba
- Anairis Quiñones - Miyuki Shiba
Secondary Cast[]
- Amber Lee Connors - Mari Watanabe
- Brook Chalmers - General Harunobu Kazama
- Erica Mendez - Erika Chiba
- Howard Wang - Hanzo Guobushojo Hattori
- Kaiji Tang - Katsuto Jumonji
- Kimberly Woods - Honoka Mitsui
- Kira Buckland - Sayaka Mibu
- Landon McDonald - Mikihiko Yoshida
- Lauren Landa - Maya Yotsuba
- Maureen Price - Mayumi Saegusa
- Michelle Marie - Azusa Nakajo
- Michelle Ruff - Suzune Ichihara
- Mick Lauer - Leonhard Saijo
- Ray Chase - Takeaki Kirihara
- Ryan Bartley - Shizuku Kitayama
- Stephen Fu - Masaki Ichijou
- Vivian Lu - Kanon Chiyoda
- Xanthe Huynh - Mizuki Shibata
Minor Cast[]
- Armen Taylor - Lu Gonghu
- Caleb Yen - Shun Morisaki
- Daman Mills - Hajime Tsukasa (ep7)
- Dawn M. Bennett - Kyouko Fujibayashi
- Howard Wang - Naotsugu Chiba
- J. Michael Tatum - Kinoe Tsukasa
- Keith Silverstein - Yakumo Kokonoe
- Kyle Hebert - Tadanori Hayama
- Lindsay Sheppard - Chiaki Hirakawa
- Lucien Dodge - Zhou Gongjin
- Marissa Lenti - Satomi Asuka (eps21, 23), Sayuri Shiba
- Matt Shipman - Inagaki
- Michelle Marie - Amelia Eimi Akechi Goldie
- Ray Chase - Shigeru Sanada
- Stephanie Southerland - Pixie (ep22)
- Stephen Mendel - Retsu Kudou (eps10, 16-18)
- SungWon Cho - Kazuo Tsuzura (eps19, 25), Kotaro Tatsumi