The House of the Lost on the Cape is a 2021 anime movie based on the novel series written by Sachiko Kashiwaba. It was produced by David Production and premiered in Japan on August 27, 2021. Eleven Arts licensed the film and will be releasing it in American theaters on September 7, 2022. The English dub of the film was produced by Studio Nano.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Madeleine Morris - Yui
- Pam Dougherty - Kiwa
- Risa Mei - Hiyori
Secondary Cast[]
- Michelle Marie - Reiko
Minor Cast[]
- Alan Lee - Kappa of Kitakamigawa, Reiko's Brother
- Ben Balmaceda - Kappa of Toyosawagawa, Yoshi's Nephew
- Brent Mukai - Tanaka (Jizo)
- Brook Chalmers - Reiko's Grandfather, Shizukuishi Kappa
- Caitlin Glass - Reiko's Mother, Tomoko
- Casey Casper - Yoshi
- Kaiji Tang - Kozuchi Kappa, Yui's Father
- Laura Stahl - Female Volunteer
- Lucas Schuneman - Mabechi Kappa
- Mike Pollock - Sarugaishi Kappa
- Sarah Wiedenheft - House Spirit