The Grimm Variations is a 2024 anthology web anime series based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. It was produced by Wit Studio, with character designs by CLAMP, and premiered in its entirety on Netflix on April 17, 2024, consisting of six episodes. The English dub of the series was produced by Bang Zoom! Entertainment.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- A.J. Beckles - Wilhelm Grimm
- Anairis QuiƱones - Charlotte
- Daman Mills - Jacob Grimm
Secondary Cast[]
- Abby Espiritu - Kiyoko Otowara (ep1)
- Allegra Clark - Dog (ep5)
- Anairis QuiƱones - Cat (ep5)
- Cristina Vee - Gretel (ep3)
- Jeannie Tirado - Hansel (ep3)
- Jenny Yokobori - Scarlet (ep2)
- Suzie Yeung - Maria (ep6)
- Tiana Camacho - Donkey (ep5)
- Xanthe Huynh - Rooster (ep5)
- YongYea - Teacher (ep6)
Minor Cast[]
- A.J. Beckles - Paul (ep6), Tom (ep2)
- Abby Espiritu - Renate (ep3)
- Alejandro Saab - Bar Master (ep4), Lucas (ep6), Roger (ep5)
- Anairis QuiƱones - Eliza (ep3), Karl (ep3), Traveler (ep6), Yoshi (ep1)
- Anne Yatco - Child (ep6), Mrs. B (ep4)
- Armen Taylor - Sean (ep5)
- Barbara Goodson - Madam, Shizue (ep1)
- Bennett Abara - Malta (ep6), Ms. Y (ep4)
- Brittany Lauda - Oscar (ep3), Rose (ep2)
- Daman Mills - Dan (ep5), Masataka Ichijo (ep1)
- Dorothy Fahn - Tsuruko Otowara (ep1)
- Grant George - Tim (ep5)
- Jake Eberle - Boss (ep5), Landlord (ep4)
- Jamieson Price - Brown (ep2), Kitamura (ep1)
- Jason Marnocha - Bar Customer (ep4), Bartender Jacob (ep5), Lucas' Father (ep6)
- Jason Charles Miller - Joseph (ep6), S (ep4)
- Jenny Yokobori - Mira (ep3)
- Jessica Gee-George - Old Lady (ep3)
- Jill Remez - Amanda (ep5), Grand Code (ep6)
- Kaiji Tang - N (ep4)
- Kayli Mills - Hanna (ep3), Young Girl (ep6)
- Laura Post - Mama (ep3)
- Laura Stahl - Fritz (ep3), Kayo (ep1), Ulrich (ep3)
- Mick Lauer - Kokichi (ep1), Papa (ep3), Viscount Otawara (ep1)
- Ray Chase - Grey (ep2)
- Reba Buhr - Camilla (ep3), Sawako Otowara (ep1)
- Shara Kirby - Erich (ep3), Makiko Otowara (ep1)
- Tiana Camacho - Helper (ep4), Lucas' Mother (ep6)
- Xanthe Huynh - Lucas' Brother (ep6)