The Garden of Words (言の葉の庭) is a 2013 Japanese anime film produced by CoMix Wave Films and directed by Makoto Shinkai. The film premiered at the Gold Coast Film Festival in Australia on the 28th of April ahead of the Japanese theatrical release on the 31st of May. The film was screened with an animated short called Dareka No Manazashi (だれかのまなざし). The film has been licensed by Sentai Filmworks in North America.
English Voice Cast
- Takao Akizuki - Patrick Poole
- Yukari Yukino - Maggie Flecknoe
- Takao's Mother - Shelley Calene-Black
- Takao's Brother - Crash Buist
- Brother's Girlfriend - Brittney Karbowski
- Mr. Ito - David Matranga
- Matsumoto - Mike Yager
- Sato - Allison Sumrall
- Aizawa - Hilary Haag
- Young Takao - Blake Shepard
Additional Voices
- Shannon Emerick
- Kalob Martinez
- Andrea Schutter
- Wendy Martin
- Summar Salah
- Shannon Hill