The Familiar of Zero is a 2006 anime series based on the light novel series by Noboru Yamaguchi. It aired in Japan from July 3, 2006 to September 25, 2006. FUNimation Entertainment released the series with an English dub produced by Geneon Entertainment on DVD on November 4, 2008.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Cristina Valenzuela - Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière
- Jonathan Meza - Saito Hiraga
Secondary Cast[]
- Bobby Thong - Styx
- Cassandra Morris - Princess Henrietta De Tristain
- Jennifer Alyx - Tabitha
- Lauren Landa - Kirche
- Nicholas Manelick - Guiche
- Xanthe Huynh - Siesta
Minor Cast[]
- Brian Breth - Ward
- Jennifer Alyx - Katie
- Jonathan Koontz - Wales Tudor (ep11)
- Kaiji Tang - Colbert, Derflinger
- Marianne Miller - Flame, Malnicorne
- Michelle Ann Dunphy - Jessica
- Patrick Aghajanian - Marteau, Scarron (ep6)