The Executioner and Her Way of Life is a 2022 yuri anime series based on the light novel series written by Mato Sato and illustrated by Nilitsu. It premiered in Japan on April 2, 2022. Sentai Filmworks is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on HIDIVE on May 20, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Annie Wild - Menou
- Melissa Molano - Akari Tokitō
Secondary Cast[]
- Bryson Baugus - Mutou Mitsuki
- Cat Thomas - Momo
- Courtney Lomelo - Pastor Sicilia
- Juliet Simmons - Pandemonium
- Kristen McGuire - Manon Libelle
- Molly Searcy - Master Flare
- Rachael Messer - Princess Ashuna
- Shelley Calene-Black - Archbishop Orwell
Minor Cast[]
- Brittney Karbowski - Young Menou
- Holly Segarra - Girl of White (ep1), Young Momo
- Jade Kelly - Manon's Mother (eps10, 12)
- Joe P. - Kaiser (eps7-8)