The E.Y.E.S. of Mars (MOTHER 最後の少女イヴ) is a Japanese animated film that was released on December 26, 1993, in Japan. It was later released in America on VHS by Celebrity Home Entertainment with voice work handled by a New York talent pool. The plot revolves around a young girl psychic Eve Doorson and her reawakening memories regarding her past life in the Martian city Atlan, now heavily polluted by the population's reliance on technology. Eve crosses paths the young rebel Du and finds herself torn between helping his cause to bring down the corrupt Martian government and her seemingly new friendship with the withdrawn fellow psychic Sarah, who is actually a spy sent by her uncle to keep Eve from fully regaining her lost memories.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Simone Grant - Sarah
- Susan Meadows - Eve Doorson
- Bill Timoney - Du
Secondary Cast[]
- Ann Houlihan - Mayor Alister
- Deborah Kops - Ms. Theodore
- Brian O'Neill - DeCardin
- Greg Puertolas - Shall Hadam
- John Rogers - The Messenger
- Brooke Shephard - Mary Doorson
- Gary Marlon Suson - Sheldon
- Bruce Winant - Arron Doorson, Louis
Minor Cast[]
- Simone Grant - Cynthia, Nellie
- Sondra James - Muriel
- Ron Kalish - Mayor's Secretary, Old Adviser A
- Deborah Kops - Elizabeth
- Susan Meadows - Female Rebel
- Bill Timoney - Dispatcher, Old Adviser B, Policeman, Rebel Watchman, Robin