The Duke of Death and his Maid is a 2021 anime based on the manga series by Koharu Inoue. It premiered in Japan on July 4, 2021. Funimation Entertainment is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on the FunimationNow streaming service on September 12, 2021.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Clifford Chapin – Duke of Death
- Kristen McGuire – Alice Lendrott
Secondary Cast[]
- Alan Lee - Walter
- Hayden Daviau - Nico
- Katelyn Barr - Daleth
- Kayli Mills – Viola
- Kelsey Maher - Cuff (Stand-In; ep16)
- Kent Williams – Rob
- Monica Rial - Ichi
- Ricco Fajardo – Zain
- Sarah Wiedenheft – Cuff
Minor Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - Young Zain
- Anastasia Muñoz - Beto (ep6), Maid A (ep9)
- Andrew Love - Phillip
- Anthony Bowling - Ringmaster
- Austin Tindle - Mail Carrier (ep11)
- Ben Phillips - Flea
- Bev Mageto - Sarah Sunroad
- Corinne Sudberg - Young Walter
- Dani Chambers - Jessie
- David Wald - Magic Pot (ep7)
- Dawn M. Bennett - Sade
- Emily Fajardo - Maid C (ep9)
- Evin Wood - Street Vendor (ep3)
- Felecia Angelle - Sharon Lendrott
- Gerard Caster - Blood Moon
- Jād Saxton - Keto, Lost Boy (ep3), Mysterious Girl (ep7)
- Julie Shields - Amelia
- Kelsey Poppen - Evelyn
- Kristian Eros - Peukert
- Lindsay Seidel - Maid A (ep8)
- Lisette Monique Diaz - Millie
- Luci Christian - Maid B (ep8)
- Lucía Lobosvilla - Hugo
- Marissa Lenti - "Lion" (ep18), Lost Cat (eps2,18), Lost Cat's Child (ep18), Lost Cat's Wife (ep18)
- Meli Grant - Narrator
- Michael Stimac - Butler (ep12)
- Michelle Rojas - Duke's Mother
- Mike McFarland - McFarlane (ep7)
- Molly Zhang - Pfeifer (ep23)
- Morgan Garrett - Lost Boy's Mom (ep3), Maid B (ep9), Teto
- Rachel Michelle Thompson - Little Red Riding Hood (ep19)
- Sara Ragsdale - Liz
- Shawn Gann - Victor
Additional Voices[]
- Alex Mai
- Anastasia Muñoz
- Austin Tindle
- Ben Balmaceda
- Bradley Gareth
- Brandon Solis
- Brandon Winckler
- Brittany Lauda
- Casey Casper
- Dee Meo
- Dusty Feeney
- Evin Wood
- Grant Paulsen
- Jād Saxton
- Jennifer Alyx
- Justin Duncan
- Katelyn Barr
- Kayli Mills
- Kevin Thelwell
- Kieran Flitton
- Lucía Lobosvilla
- Marcus D. Stimac
- Marianne Bray
- Marissa Lenti
- Matt Holmes
- Matthew Greenbaum
- Michael Stimac
- Michelle Marie
- Morgan Berry
- Natalie Hoover
- Pam Dougherty
- Rachel Michelle Thompson
- Ryan Seale
- Seth Magill
- Steph Garrett
- Travis Mullenix
- Van Barr Jr.