The Detective Is Already Dead is a 2021 anime series based on the light novel series written by Nigojū and illustrated by Umibōzu. It aired in Japan from July 4 to September 19, 2021. Funimation Entertainment is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on the FunimationNow streaming service on October 3, 2021.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Arryn Zech - Nagisa Natsunagi
- Austin Tindle - Kimihiko Kimizuka
- Xanthe Huynh - Siesta
Secondary Cast[]
- Jād Saxton - Yui Saikawa
- Jamie Marchi - Hel
- Kayleigh McKee - Bat
- Kellen Goff - Chameleon
- Megan Shipman - Charlotte Arisaka Anderson
- Michelle Rojas - Fuyasu "Fuubi" Kase
- Steven Kelly - Cerberus
- Tia Ballard - Alicia
Minor Cast[]
- Amanda Lee - Matsuri (ep3)
- Anastasia Muñoz - Rose Bennett (ep8)
- Morgan Lauré - Cabin Announcer (ep12)
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Fubuki (ep3)