The Deer King is a 2022 anime film based on the fantasy novel series written by Nahoko Uehashi. It was produced by Production I.G. and premiered in Japan on February 4, 2022. GKIDS licensed the film and will be releasing it in American theaters on July 14, 2022. The film's English dub was produced by NYAV Post.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Erica Schroeder - Sae
- Griffin Puatu - Hohsalle
- Luciana VanDette - Yuna
- Ray Chase - Van
Secondary Cast[]
- Chris Hackney - Yotalu
- Doug Stone - Tohlim
- Frank Todaro - Kenoi
- Keith Silverstein - Ohfan
- Luis Bermudez - Makoukan
- Neil Kaplan - Aquafa King
Minor Cast[]
- Doug Erholtz - Utalu
- Edna Larsen - Ohma's Wife
- Grant George - Hohsalle's Assistant
- Larissa Gallagher - Kiya, Van's Wife
- Marc Thompson - Yoki
- Michael Deaner - Van's Son, Yoki's Son
- Stefan Martello - Tohma
- Stephanie Sheh - Kazan Woman, Yoki's Wife
- Steve Kramer - Ohma
- Xander Mobus - Shikan