The Dawn of the Witch is a 2022 anime series based on the light novel series written by Kakeru Kobashiri and illustrated by Takashi Iwasaki. It serves as the sequel to Grimoire of Zero (albeit this series has yet to be fully adapted) and premiered in Japan on April 8, 2022. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on April 21, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Joe Cucinotti - KudÅ
- Kimmie Britt - Hort
- Monica Rial - Loux Krystas
- Travis Mullenix - Saybil
Secondary Cast[]
- Amanda Lee - Zero
- Chelsea McCurdy - Albus
- Christopher Wehkamp - Priest
- David Wald - Holdem
- Jason Douglas - Mercenary
- Josh Putnam - Tyrant
- Kristen McGuire - Laios
- Macy Anne Johnson - Lilly
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Campbell - Torres Nada Cadio (eps11-12)
- Alex Mai - Dragon Conqueror King Heath (eps3, 5, 11-12)
- Jeff Plunk - Uls (eps4-5, 7-8)
- Jennifer Alyx - Hort's Mother (ep2)
- LucÃa Lobosvilla - Young Saybil
- Matthew David Rudd - Cal (ep11)
- Sarah Roach - Faeria (ep11)
- Shawn Gann - Bishop Ideamor (ep12)
Additional Voices[]
- Alex Hom
- Anthony DiMascio - Male Underling 1A (ep1)
- Ashley Thereon - Male Student 1C (ep1)
- Brandon Solis
- Carl G. Brooks
- Dusty Feeney - Female Student 1B (ep1)
- Dylan Mobley
- Erica Muse
- Jared Smith
- Jacob Eiseman - Male Student 1B (ep1)
- Jason Crawford Jordan
- Jim Foronda
- Kelly Greenshield
- Kelsey Maher - Female Student 1A (ep1)
- Kristian Eros - Male Student 1A (ep1)
- Marianne Bray
- Mark Allen Jr.
- Matt Holmes - Male Student 1E (ep1)
- Meg McClain
- Nicholas Markgraf
- Quinn Angell - Male Student 1D (ep1)
- Ryan Seale
- Sarah Roach
- Wyatt Baker