The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure Serving Gods Who Go Too Far is a 2023 anime series based on the light novel series written by Yashu. It is produced by EMT Squared and Magic Bus, and premiered in Japan on April 3, 2023. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere its first two episodes on their streaming service on April 23, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Kate Oxley - Silk
- Kristen McGuire - Reine von Silford
- Leah Clark - Teres
- Natalie Rose - Sylvia
- Trina Nishimura - Cain von Silford/Kazuya Shiina
Secondary Cast[]
- Anastasia Muñoz - Sarah
- Dalton Walker - Yuuya Terra Hirasawa Esfort
- Ian Sinclair - Claude
- Jim Foronda - Garm
- Kate Bristol - Nina
- Krystal LaPorte - Millie
- Morgan Garrett - Lina
- Phil Parsons - Zenom
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Campbell - Gratt
- Aaron Roberts - Sabinos
- Alex Hom - Cedric
- Alex Mai - Tamanis
- Ben Bryant - Bohgan
- Brian Mathis - Magna
- Brittany Lauda - Retia
- Brittney Karbowski - Habit
- Corey Pettit - Reno
- David Matranga - Jin von Sylford
- Derick Snow - Alex Von Silford
- Elizabeth Evans - Bela
- Hannah Alyea - Rudy
- James Cheek - Seth
- Jason Bunch - Crosse
- Jessie James Grelle - Eden
- Josh Bangle - Eric von Santana Malpeque
- Justin Briner - Aaron
- Justin Cook - Panam
- Lisette Monique Diaz - Marine
- Mac McGee - Grim
- Mallorie Rodak - Lefane von Dalstein
- Matt Shipman - Colan
- Matthew David Rudd - Sarnos
- Meg McClain - Parma
- Molly Zhang - Rime
- Monét Lerner - Queen
Additional Voices[]
- Abigail Blythe
- Adam Rowe
- Alan Lee
- Ashe Thurman
- Austin Hively
- Bradley Gareth
- Branden Loera
- Brian Pappas
- Charles Nguyen
- Charlie Campbell
- Christopher Lee Johnson
- Daniel Van Thomas
- Drew Breedlove
- Dusty Feeney
- Eduardo Vildasol
- Elizabeth Sweet
- Erica Muse
- Grant Paulsen
- Izzi Raine
- Jason Bunch
- Kelsey Maher
- Kieran Flitton
- Kiba Walker
- Kimmie Britt
- Mac Welch
- Madeleine Broseh
- Marisa Duran
- Monét Lerner
- Monica Flatley
- Nathan Benyounes
- Nicholas Markgraf
- Rachel Thompson
- Rissa Mazzuca
- Rochelle Grimsmo
- Ryan Negrón
- Ryan Seale
- Sam Largent
- Stephen Witkowicz
- Tom Cullum
- Zac Loera
- Zeke Fayble