takt op. Destiny is a 2021 anime series based on the mixed-media project produced by Bandai Namco Arts and DeNA. The anime was produced by both Madhouse and MAPPA, and premiered in Japan from October 6 to December 22, 2021, consisting of twelve episodes. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on April 23, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - Anna Schneider
- Emi Lo - Cosette/Destiny
- Ernesto Jason Liebrecht - Takt Asahina
Secondary Cast[]
- Celeste Perez - Heaven
- Christopher Wehkamp - Sagan
- Jeff Swearingen - Felix Schindler
- Lexi Nieto - Walküre
- Marti Etheridge - Hell
- Natalie Hoover - Titan
- Reagan Murdock - Leonard "Lenny" Flyheart
Minor Cast[]
- Brina Palencia - Orpheus (eps11-12)
- Gabe Kunda - Joe (ep6)
- Ivan Jasso - Sally's Husband (ep6)
- Jamal Sterling - Bartender (ep6)
- Katelyn Barr - Young Takt (eps2, 7, 10)
- Kristian Eros - Commander (ep12)
- Linda Leonard - Mrs. Brown (ep6)
- Mallorie Rodak - Jimmy's Mother (ep1)
- Matthew David Rudd - Policeman (eps7-8)
- Michelle Rojas - Charlotte Schneider (eps9, 11-12)
- Mike McFarland - Shop Owner (ep6)
- Monica Rial - Sally (ep6)
- Oscar Seung - Kenji Asahina (ep10)
- Sara Ragsdale - Jimmy (ep1)
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Jimmy's Sister (ep1)