Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale is a 2017 Japanese animated film based on the Sword Art Online light novel series written by Reki Kawahara and illustrated by abec. It was released in Japanese theaters on February 28, 2017. It had a limited release at the Anime Boston convention from March 31, 2017 to April 2, 2017, and as released in US Theaters on April 22, 2017.
English Voice Cast[]
- Kirito/Kazuto Kirigaya - Bryce Papenbrook
- Asuna/Asuna Yuuki - Cherami Leigh
- Yui - Stephanie Sheh
- Leafa/Suguha Kirigaya - Cassandra Lee Morris
- Silica/Keiko Ayano - Christine Marie Cabanos
- Sinon/Shina Asada - Michelle Ruff
- Klein - Kirk Thornton
- Agil - Patrick Seitz
- Kurahashi - Robbie Daymond
- Sakuya - Lauren Landa
- Alicia-Lu - Cristina Vee
- Eugene - Joshua Tomar
- Recon - Marianne Miller
- Sinune - Erika Harlacher
- Seijirou Kikuoka - Matt Mercer
- Akihiko Kayaba - Marc Diraison
- Yuna/Yuuna Shigemura - Ryan Bartley
- Eiji/Eiji Nochizawa - Chris Patton
- Tetsuhiro Shigemura - Taylor Henry
Additional Voices[]
- Ben Pronsky
- Bill Rogers
- Bobby Thong
- Brian Timothy Anderson
- Chris Smith
- D.W. McCann
- Darrel Delfin
- Edward Bosco
- J.D. Zelman
- Jade Dennis
- Jeff Burns
- Julie Ann Taylor
- Kayli Mills
- Khoi Dao
- Nicole Gose
- Victor Sgroi
- The character Siune's name is misspelled as "Sinune" in the credits.