Sweet Reincarnation is a 2023 anime series based on the light novel series written by Nozomu Koryu and illustrated by Yasuyuki Shuri. It is produced by SynergySP and premiered in Japan on July 3, 2023. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere its first two episodes on their streaming service on July 17, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Trina Nishimura - Pastry Mille Morteln
Secondary Cast[]
- Ben Bryant - Coaton Engels
- Ben Stegmair - Squale Mill Kadorecheck
- Brianna Roberts - Brioche Salgret Mill Leteche
- Cassie Ewulu - Agnes Mille Morteln
- Charles Nguyen - Sheets "Feuille" Beetwin
- David Matranga - Casserole Mill Morteln
- Emi Lo - Licorice Mille Hubarek
- Macy Anne Johnson - Petra Mill Hubarek
- Molly Zhang - Marcarullo Dorova
- Reshel Mae - Luminito Idorihappa
- Thi Le - Josephine Mill Morteln
Minor Cast[]
- Alex Mai - Helm
- Dalton Walker - Cointreau (ep2)
- Jack Reeder - Strudel
- Kevin D. Thelwell - Nicolo Nono
- Landon McDonald - Margrave Lutoroute (eps11-12)
- Mark Allen Jr. - Armire
- Mark Quach - Glacage (ep2)
- Oscar Seung - Elisebio Hazbunois Mille Kadorecheck (eps5, 7, 12)
- Randy Pearlman - Priest
- Sarah Natochenny - God
- Shawn Gann - Patissier
- Zareen Afzaal - Caera