Summer Ghost is a 2022 original anime short film produced by Flat Studio and directed by loundraw. It was released in Japanese theaters on November 12, 2021. GKIDS and NYAV Post have produced an English dub of the film, which is set for home video release on November 1, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Clifford Chapin - Ryō Kobayashi
- David Errigo Jr. - Tomoya Sugisaki
- Kyla Carter - Aoi Harukawa
- Megan Taylor Harvey - Ayane Satō
Minor Cast[]
- Anne Yatco - Ayane's Mother, Tomoya's Mother
Additional Voices[]
- Anne Yatco
- Fionn Kinsella
- Keith Silverstein
- Michael Sinterniklaas