Sugar Apple Fairy Tale is a 2023 anime series based on the light novel series written by Miri Mikawa and illustrated by aki. It was produced by J.C. Staff and premiered in Japan on January 6, 2023. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on January 20, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Alejandro Saab - Challe Fen Challe (Stand-In; ep14)
- Celeste Perez - Anne Halford
- Ivan Jasso - Challe Fen Challe
Secondary Cast[]
- Ben Balmaceda - Kat
- Caleb de la Torre - King
- Ciarán Strange - Mithril Lid Pod
- Emily Fajardo - Noah
- Ernesto Jason Liebrecht - Hugh Mercury
- Jordan Dash Cruz - Elliot Collins
- Kiba Walker - Valentine
- Marisa Duran - Bridget Page
- Matt Shipman - Jonas Under
- Mauricio Ortiz-Segura - Orland Langston
- Monica Rial - Benjamin
- Nasim Benelkour - Nadir
- Naya Moreno - Cathy
- Nazeeh Tarsha - Gladus
- Ryan Negrón - Keith Powell
Minor Cast[]
- Anastasia Muñoz - Emma Halford
- Anthony Bowling - Herbert Chamber
- Branden Loera - King Edmond
- Brandon Acosta - Hal
- Brandon Solis - Dale
- Bruce DuBose - Glen Page
- Chris Guerrero - William Alburn (eps6-8)
- Cole Feuchter - Male Fairy 23B
- Danielle Yoshiko Phillips - Queen Marguerite
- Eduardo Vildasol - Salim (ep3)
- Jarrod Greene - Earl of Downing
- Kieran Flitton - Clifford (ep12)
- Natalie Hoover - Lusul El Min
- Tatiana Lucia - Daana
- Taylor Harris - Marcus Radcliffe
- William Ofoegbu - Sammy Jones
Additional Voices[]
- Adrian Godinez
- Belsheber Rusape Jr.
- Brandon Acosta
- Brianna Roberts
- Davon Oliver
- Douglas Gill
- Drew Breedlove
- Grant Paulsen
- Izzi Raine
- Jack Reeder
- James Marler
- Jamie Snowden
- Jesse Pinnick
- Jim Foronda
- John Stimac
- Karen Raehpour
- Katie Wetch
- Kelly Greenshield
- Kristian Eros
- Leo Matthews
- Marcus D. Stimac
- Mark Allen Jr.
- Michael Stimac
- Nicholas Markgraf
- Patrick Mealey
- Tom Cullum
- Trisha Mellon
- Veronica Laux
- Yussef Benelbar