Street Fighter Alpha, released in Japan as Street Fighter Zero (ストリートファイターZERO), and also known as Street Fighter Alpha: The Movie, is a 1999 OVA film based on the Street Fighter Alpha fighting games. It was directed by Shigeyasu Yamauchi, with character designs by Yoshihiko Umakoshi. An English adaptation was produced by Manga Entertainment and released in 2000.
The film commemorates the tenth anniversary of the arcade release of the original Street Fighter II. It is not a prequel or sequel to either Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie or Street Fighter II V, but an independent installment, although a handful of voice actors from previous adaptations reprised their roles for the English version of the movie.
English Voice Cast
- Adam Sholder
- Kim Nguyen
- Abe Lasser
- Bob Marx
- Mathew Austin
- Casey Hart
- Mona Marshall - Shun
- David Lucas - Ken Masters
- Chuck Farley - Professor Sadler
- Jackson Daniels
- Simon Issacson - Gouken
- Georgette Rose - Sakura Kasugano
- Joe Romersa
- William Frederick
- Henry Douglas Grey - Ryu
- John Smallberries - Dan Hibiki, Street Thug#1
- Masamune Miller
- Ian Hawk
- Keith Burgess
- Ramona Lee
- Katie Ashley - Kei
- Adam Sadler
- Richard Hayworth
- Lia Sargent - Chun-Li
- Lex Lang
- Michael Devon