Stand By Me Doraemon 2 is a 2020 anime film that serves as a sequel to Stand By Me Doraemon. The film was released in Japan on November 20, 2020 and an English Dub produced by Bang Zoom! Entertainment was released on Netflix premiering December 24, 2021.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Cassandra Morris - Sue Morris
- Johnny Yong Bosch - Noby Nobi
- Mona Marshall - Doraemon
- Vedanten Naidoo - Noby
Secondary Cast[]
- Barbara Goodson - Noby's Grandmother
- Brian Beacock - Sneech
- Dorah Fine - Tammy Nobi
- Kaiji Tang - Big G
- Spike Spencer - Ace Goody
- Tony Oliver - Toby Nobi
Minor Cast[]
- Bill Millsap - Wedding Coordinator
- Doug Stone - Sue's Father
- Keith Silverstein - Mr. S
- Kyle Hebert - Nakameguro, Pastor
- Minae Noji - Little G
- Nadine Naidoo - Hostess
- Patrick Seitz - Sue's Uncle
- Wendee Lee - Nurse, Sue's Mother
- Zeno Robinson - Middle Schooler