Stand By Me Doraemon is a 2014 anime film based on the manga created by Fujiko Fujio and follow up from Doraemon (2005). The film was released in Japan on August 8th, 2014 and an English Dub produced by Bang Zoom! Entertainment originally premiered at the Tokyo International Film Festival. The film was released to the US on Netflix in December 24, 2021.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Johnny Yong Bosch - Noby Nobi
- Mona Marshall - Doraemon
Secondary Cast[]
- Brian Beacock - Sneech
- Cassandra Morris - Sue Morris
- Kaiji Tang - Big G
- Max Mittelman - Soby Nobi
- Spike Spencer - Ace Goody
Minor Cast[]
- Jessica Gee-George - Big G's Mother
- Keith Silverstein - Mr. S
- Mari Devon - Tammy Nobi
- Minae Noji - Little G
- Tony Oliver - Toby Nobi