Space☆Dandy (スペース☆ダンディ) is a Japanese anime series directed by Shinichiro Watanabe and produced by Bones. The anime has been licensed by FUNimation Entertainment in North America, Madman Entertainment in Australia and by Anime Limited in the United Kingdom. The series premiered in the United States before Japan on January 4, 2014 at 11:30pm on Adult Swim's Toonami block. The series began airing in Japan on Tokyo MX at 11:00pm on January 5, 2014, followed by TV Osaka, TV Aichi and BS Fuji. On May 3, 2014 it was moved to 12:30am and Attack on Titan took its place at 11:30pm.
English Voice Cast
Main Cast
- Alison Viktorin - QT
- Ian Sinclair - Dandy
- Joel McDonald - Meow
Secondary Cast
- J. Michael Tatum - Dr. Gel
- Kent Williams - Admiral Perry
- Micah Solusod - Bea
Minor Cast
- Alex Moore - ATMO (ep19)
- Alex Organ - Nobleman (ep21)
- Alexis Tipton - Honey
- Andrew Chandler - Minato (ep16)
- Angela Chase - ATMO (ep19)
- Apphia Yu - ATMO (ep19)
- Ashly Burch - Freckles (ep17)
- Barry Yandell - Undian (ep6)
- Ben Phillips - Nathan (ep17)
- Bill Jenkins - Judge (ep25)
- Brandon Potter - Toaster (ep13)
- Bryan Massey - Dolph (ep23)
- Bryce Papenbrook - Ukuleleman (ep15)
- Chris Cason - Register (ep13)
- Christopher R. Sabat - Isaac (ep17)
- Chuck Huber - Dr. H (ep9)
- Colleen Clinkenbeard - Scarlet
- Cris George - Guy Reginald (ep25), Misawa (ep19)
- David Johnson - Sphere (ep19)
- David Trosko - Le Flea the Elder (ep8)
- Ed Blaylock - CEO
- Elizabeth Maxwell - Poe (ep21)
- Eric Vale - Prince (ep7)
- Felecia Angelle - 033H (ep9)
- Giovannie Cruz - Anna (ep17)
- Grant James - Phantom Ramen Shop Old Man (ep2)
- Greg Silva - Postian (ep15)
- Gregory Lush - Paul (ep24)
- Kate Oxley - Hiroshi (ep25)
- Jād Saxton - Adélie (ep5)
- Jamie Marchi - Yoko (ep16)
- Jeremy Inman - Cocamuka (ep9)
- Jeremy Schwartz - Duran
- Jerry Jewell - Dumdee (ep22)
- Jessi Hall - Sofia (ep17)
- Johnny Yong Bosch - Johnny
- Justin Cook - Night Porter (ep21)
- Kristi Kang - Maker (ep13), Miranda (ep22)
- Kyle Hebert - Ferdinand (ep21)
- Leah Clark - Emily (ep17), Katie (ep10)
- Lindsay Seidel - Z (ep7)
- Lydia Mackay - Capybarian (ep15)
- Major Attaway - Ton Jravolta (ep22)
- Marcus D. Stimac - Cornet (ep21)
- Mark Stoddard - Planet Chief (ep22)
- Martha Harms - Mill (ep13)
- Martin Cervantes - Sphere (ep19)
- Maxey Whitehead - Erssime (ep18)
- Michael Sinterniklaas - Lawyer (ep25)
- Monica Rial - Pine-Pine (ep19)
- Morgan Garrett - Catherine (ep24)
- R. Bruce Elliott - Narrator
- Rachel Robinson - Noblewoman (ep21)
- Ricco Fajardo - Dustin (ep17), Horatio (ep17)
- Robert McCollum - Barry (ep22), Guitarisian (ep15)
- Ross Patterson - Gregorians (ep21)
- Scott Freeman - Le Flea the Younger (ep8)
- Sean Hennigan - L'Delise (ep18)
- Sean O'Connor - Sentinel (ep17)
- Sonny Strait - Vestian (ep6)
- Stephanie Young - Rose Reginald (ep25)
- Stephen Sanders - Sphere (ep19)
- Steve Powell - Chief Judge (ep25)
- T. Axelrod - Prosecutor (ep25)
- Terri Doty - Jack (ep25)
- Todd Haberkorn - Carpaccio
- Trina Nishimura - Mamitas (ep3)
- Tyson Rinehart - Squeak (ep7)
- Vic Mignogna - Gentle Nobra
- Wendy Powell - Lil' Mama (ep10)
Additional Voices
- Aaron Roberts
- Alan Pollard
- Alex Moore - Dr. Gel's Mother (ep15)
- Alexis Tipton
- Anastasia Muñoz
- Andrew Kasten
- Andrew T. Chandler
- Andrew Tipps
- Anthony Bowling
- Apphia Yu
- Ashleigh Domangue
- Austin Tindle
- Brad Jackson
- Becca Shivers
- Ben Ambroso
- Bill Jenkins
- Boomer West
- Brandon Luna
- Brina Palencia - Small Alien (ep2), Crusher Girl (ep7)
- Brittney Karbowski - Meow's Sister (ep10)
- Bryn Apprill - Alethia (ep11)
- Caitlin Glass - Pup (ep8)
- Chad Halbrook
- Charlie Campbell
- Cherami Leigh
- Chris Cason
- Chris Hury
- Christopher Bevins
- Christopher Cassarino
- Christopher R. Sabat
- Chuck Huber
- Clifford Chapin
- Cole Brown - Adélie's Grandfather (ep5)
- Colleen Clinkenbeard
- Corey Cleary-Stoner
- Cris George
- Cynthia Cranz - Meow's Mother (ep10)
- David Trosko
- David Wald - Meow's Father (ep10)
- Ed Blaylock
- Elizabeth Evans
- Elizabeth Parker
- Eric Cherry
- Eric Vale
- Felecia Angelle
- Garret Storms
- Gregory Lush
- Ian Moore
- J. Michael Tatum
- James Chandler
- Jarrod Greene
- Jason Douglas - Idea (ep11)
- Jeff Plunk
- Jessica Dismuke
- John Swasey
- Josh Grelle - Alien Hunter (ep5)
- Juli Erickson
- Justin Briner
- Justin Cook
- Justin Pate
- Kamen Casey
- Kara Edwards
- Keith Kubal
- Kevin Leasure
- Kyle Phillips
- Lara Woodhull
- Laura Wetsel
- Lauren Landa
- Leah Clark
- Linda Leonard
- Lindsay Seidel
- Liza Gonzales
- Lydia Mackay
- Major Attaway
- Marcus D. Stimac
- Marie Charlson
- Martha Harms
- Matt Doden
- Matt Thurston
- Matthew Mercer
- Megan Shipman
- Michael Speck
- Michelle Rojas
- Mike Hathaway
- Mike McFarland
- Monica Rial
- Morgan Garrett
- Newton Pittman
- Nick Haley
- Noelle Fabian
- Patric Carroll
- Patrick McAllister
- Paul Vaughn
- R. Bruce Elliott
- Rachel Robinson
- Randy Pearlman
- Ricco Fajardo
- Richard Olsen
- Robert McCollum
- Sara Ragsdale
- Scott Freeman
- Skyler McIntosh
- Teri Rogers
- Tia Ballard
- Trenton Jons
- Willy Welch
- Z. Charles Bolton