Soul Eater NOT! (ソウルイーターノット!) is an anime based on the manga written and illustrated by Atsushi Ōkubo. It is a spin-off of the main series, Soul Eater. It was adapted by Bones and aired on TV Tokyo between April 8, 2014 and July 2, 2014 and was simulcast by FUNimation Entertainment in North America.
English Voice Cast
Main Cast
- Alexis Tipton - Anya Hepburn
- Bryn Apprill - Tsugumi Harudori
- Lindsay Seidel - Meme Tatane
Secondary Cast
- Alison Viktorin - Kana Altair
- Bryce Papenbrook - Clay Sizemore
- Caitlin Glass - Kim Diehl
- Elizabeth Maxwell - Shaula Gorgon
- Ian Sinclair - Akane Hoshi
- Jād Saxton - Jacqueline O. Lantern Dupré
- Kara Edwards - Eternal Feather
- Kent Williams - Sid Barrett
- Laura Bailey - Maka Albarn
Minor Cast
- Aaron Dismuke - Aaron (ep3)
- Anastasia Muñoz - Mira Nygus
- Brittney Karbowski - Black☆Star
- Cherami Leigh - Patty Thompson
- Chuck Huber - Dr. Franken Stein
- David Wald - Master
- Jamie Marchi - Liz Thompson
- Joel McDonald - Kilik Rung (ep1)
- Josh Grelle - Ox Ford
- Martha Harms - Misery
- Micah Solusod - Soul Eater
- Monica Rial - Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
- Scott Freeman - Harvar D. Éclair
- Todd Haberkorn - Death the Kid
Additional Voices
- Aaron Dismuke
- Alan Chow
- Alex Organ
- Anthony Bowling
- Ashleigh Domangue
- Austin Tindle - Raid (ep1)
- Chris Ryan
- Christopher Wehkamp
- Cris George
- Dallas Reid
- Daniel Litwin
- David Wald
- Douglass Burks
- Garret Storms
- Gregory Lush
- Hunter Scott
- Ian Ferguson
- Jeff Johnson
- Josh Martin
- Katherine Salavarria
- Kenny Green
- Kim Foster
- Lauren Landa
- Major Attaway
- Marcus D. Stimac
- Matt Thurston
- Michael Federico
- Mikaela Krantz
- Newton Pittman
- Patrick McAlister
- Rob Mungle - Hao (ep1)
- Sara Ragsdale
- Tyson Rinehart
- Whitney Rodgers
- Will Short
- Z Charles Bolton