Sister Princess is an anime television series based on the manga series by Sakurako Kimino. It aired in Japan between April 4, 2001 and October 6, 2001, consisting of 26 episodes. The series was released in North America by ADV Films between October 19, 2004 and August 2, 2005.
English Vocal Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Braden Hunt - Wataru Minakami
- Monica Rial - Sakuya
Secondary Cast[]
- Christine Auten - Mami
- Cynthia Martinez - Kaho
- Greg Ayres - Taro Yamada
- Hilary Haag - Karen
- Jessica Boone - Shirayuki
- John Swasey - Jeeves
- Kira Vincent Davis - Mamoru
- Luci Christian - Yotsuba
- Mariela Ortiz - Aria
- Nancy Novotny - Rin Rin
- Sasha Paysinger - Marie
- Serena Varghese - Hinako
- Shelley Calene-Black - Chikage
- Tiffany Grant - Haruka
Minor Cast[]
- Andy McAvin - Island Resident (ep14), Islander B, Man In Black (ep25), Man In Black B (ep1)
- Christopher Patton - Akio, Yoshida Family Harmony (ep6)
- Christopher Ayres - Electric Shop Man (ep21), Island Resident (ep14), Islander F
- David Born - Bob Stanback (ep10), Cramming Headmaster (ep1), Islander A, Male TV Announcer (ep1), Man In Black (ep25), Man In Black A (ep1), Minai (ep25), Yoshida Family Harmony (ep6)
- Jessica Boone - Yoshida Family Harmony (ep6)
- Jim McClellan - Dance Hall Owner (ep17), Grim Reaper (ep18), Male Attendant (ep23)
- Kaytha Coker - Female TV Announcer (ep1), Senior Student (ep3), Waitress (ep23)
- Kimberly Prause - Dream Girl, Yoshida Family Harmony (ep6)
- Mark X. Laskowski - Minai (ep1)
- Ted Pfister - Old Gentleman Tree Spirit (ep15)
- Tiffany Terrell - Mitchy, Yoshida Family Harmony (ep6)
- Vic Mignogna - Mac Yamato, Yoshida Family Harmony (ep6)
Additional Voices[]
- Andy McAvin
- Chris Patton
- Christopher Ayres
- David Born
- Elise Morrison
- Jennifer Alyx
- Jessica Boone
- Jim McClellan
- Kaytha Coker
- Kimberly Prause
- Mark X. Laskowski
- Matt Crawford
- Scott McClennen
- Shelley Calene-Black
- Tanya Zieger
- Tiffany Terrell
- Vic Mignogna