Seven Days War is a 2019 anime film based on the novel series written by Osamu Sōda. It was produced by Ajia-Do and premiered in Japanese theaters on December 13, 2019. Crunchyroll has produced an English dub of the film, which is set for home video release on December 27, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
- Megan Shipman - Aya Chiyono
- Justin Briner - Mamoru Suzuhara
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Saki Akutsu
- Jill Harris - Marret
- Brittney Karbowski - Kaori Yamazaki
- Jordan Dash Cruz - Hiroto Honjo
- Eric Vale - Soma Ogata
- Bradley Campbell - Hideo Chiyono
- Aaron Roberts - Masahiko Honda
- Austin Tindle - Gotou
- Ben Bryant - Kaori's Father
- Michael Stimac - Maeda
- Keith Kubal - Tatehara
- Reagan Murdock - Kurata
- Francis Henry - Fumio
- Lindsay Seidel - Tamasudare
- Bryn Apprill - Rin Suzuhara
- Mark Stoddard - Katsuo Shibayama
- Jim Johnson - Marret's Father
- Amanda Gish - Marret's Mother
- Brianna Roberts - Kaori's Mother
Additional Voices[]
- Joe Cucinotti
- Clifford Chapin
- Ben Phillips
- Phil Parsons
- Chris Rager
- Kristin Sutton
- R. Bruce Elliott
- Sara Ragsdale
- Dani Chambers
- Bryan Massey
- Lee George
- Kara Edwards
- Marianne Bray
- Rachel Thompson
- Kelsey Maher
- Ariel Graham
- Kimmie Britt
- Jennifer Alyx
- Kathryn Taylor Rose
- Dusty Feeney
- Emily Ernst
- Cassie Ewulu
- Kalyn McCabe
- Hollis Beck
- Linda Young
- Erica Muse
- Bryn Apprill
- Greg Dulcie
- Jim Johnson
- Nicholas Markgraf
- Alex Mai
- Lara Woodhull
- Cory Phillips
- Comona Lewin
- Gerald Atrique
- Ben Balmaceda
- Kevin D. Thelwell
- Ethan Gallardo
- Travis Mullenix
- Kyle Phillips
- Christopher Wehkamp
- Jacob Eiseman
- Nazeeh Tarsha
- John Gerhardt
- Jeff Johnson
- Philip Annarella
- Kiba Walker
- James Larabee