Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement is a 2023 anime series based on the light novel series written by FUNA and illustrated by Tōzai. It was produced by Felix Film and premeired in Japan on January 8, 2023. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on January 21, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Trina Nishimura - Mitsuha Yamano
Secondary Cast[]
- Anthony DiMascio - Tsuyoshi Yamano
- Erin Kelly Noble - Eline
- Marianne Bray - Colette
- Randy Pearlman - It
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Sabine
- Travis Mullenix - Tobias
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Campbell - Sven
- Aaron Roberts - Bernd
- Alexis Tipton - Iris
- Ariel Graham - Beatrice von Bozen
- Ben Phillips - Nelson Adler
- Brian Mathis - Klaus von Bozes
- Bryson Baugus - Alexis
- Chris Guerrero - King
- Ciarán Strange - Theodore
- Cole Feuchter - Marcel
- Jād Saxton - Ilze
- Jalitza Delgado - Adelaide
- Kelly Greenshield - Karla
- Krystal LaPorte - Amalia Von Rhyner
- Marisa Duran - Gritt
- Matthew Elkins - Matheus Von Rhyner
- Molly Zhang - Britta
- Monét Tatianna Lerner - Anke
- Quinn Angell - Sepp
- Shawn Gann - Chancellor Sahr
- Tyson Rinehart - Wolf Fang Captain
Additional Voices[]
- Adam Rowe
- Alex Hom
- Alfie Coy
- Belsheber Rusape Jr.
- Brandon Acosta
- Brian Holder
- Brian Pappas
- Charles Nguyen
- Chris Long
- Corey Wilder
- Corinne Sudberg
- Cory Phillips
- Davon Oliver
- Dee Meo
- Douglas Gill
- Drew Breedlove
- Dusty Feeney
- Dylan Mobley
- Emily Fajardo
- Erica Muse
- Gerard Caster
- Hollis Beck
- Jack Reeder
- Jacob Eiseman
- James Larabee
- James Marler
- Jamie Snowden
- Jason Bunch
- Jesse Pinnick
- Josh Putnam
- Joshua Franklin
- Kalyn McCabe
- Kiba Walker
- Kieran Flitton
- Kimmie Britt
- Kristian Eros
- Kyle Phillips
- Leo Matthews
- Lisette Monique Diaz
- Madeleine Scott Broseh
- Matthew David Rudd
- Michael Stimac
- Molly Zhang
- Morgan Larabee
- Nicholas Markgraf
- Patrick Mealey
- Rissa Mazzuca
- Rochelle Grimsmo
- Ryan Seale
- SuzAnne DeCarma
- Tom Cullum
- Tristan Bonner
- Van Barr Jr.
- Veronica Laux
- William Ofoegbu
- Zeke Fayble