Sasaki and Miyano is a 2022 anime based on the manga series by Shō Harusono. It premiered in Japan on January 10, 2022. FUNimation Entertainment is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on the FunimationNow streaming service on February 5, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Joshua Waters - Yoshikazu Miyano
- Kellen Goff - Shūmei Sasaki
Secondary Cast[]
- Brandon McInnis - Taiga Hirano
- Brendan Blaber - Masato Hanzawa
- Jonah Scott - Joji Ogasawara
- Kayleigh McKee - Tasuku Kuresawa
- Yung-i Chang - Gosaburō Tashiro
Minor Cast[]
- Anairis Quiñones - Eimi Yokota (ep8)
- Chris Patton - Akira Kagiura (eps8-10)
- Ciarán Strange - Masato's Little Brother (ep11)
- Daisy Guevara - Yuki Fujimi (ep12)
- Dallas Reid - Yutaro Ezaki (ep12)
- Kiba Walker - Kouhai (ep11)
- Kristi Rothrock - Keiko Sasaki
- Landon McDonald - Masato's Brother (ep11)
- Lindsay Sheppard - Kaede Futaba (ep11)
- Mark Allen Jr. - Torihara
- Michelle Rojas - Nao Makimura
- Morgan Lea - Masato's Sister (ep11)
- Natalie Van Sistine - Masato's Mother (ep11)
- Oscar Seung - Kyoji Shirahama
- Terri Doty - Sasaki's Mom (ep2)
Additional Voices[]
- Aaron Campbell
- Aaron Dismuke - Drama CD Character (ep2)
- Aaron Roberts
- Alex Mai
- Anastasia Muñoz
- Anthony DiMascio
- Ashley Thereon
- Austin Tindle
- Ben Balmaceda
- Brandon Winckler
- Clifford Chapin
- Dani Chambers
- Dusty Feeney
- Emily Ernst
- Emily Fajardo
- Hope Endrenyi
- Jacob Eiseman
- Jād Saxton
- Jordan Dash Cruz
- Kalyn McCabe
- Kelsey Maher
- Kevin D. Thelwell
- Kristian Eros
- Lucía Lobosvilla
- Madeleine Broseh
- Marcus Stimac
- Marisa Duran
- Matthew Greenbaum
- Michael Stimac
- Michelle Marie
- Monica Rial
- Morgan Berry
- Morgan Lauré
- Nazeeh Tarsha
- Paul Cline
- Quinn Angell
- Ricco Fajardo - Drama CD Character (ep2)
- Ryan Seale
- Sarah Wiedenheft
- Spencer Liles
- Travis Mullenix
- Wyatt Baker