Samurai Champloo is a 2004 original anime series produced by Manglobe. It featured a production team led by director Shinichirō Watanabe, character designer Kazuto Nakazawa and mechanical designer Mahiro Maeda. Samurai Champloo was Watanabe's first directorial effort for an anime television series after the critically acclaimed Cowboy Bebop. It was broadcast in Japan on Fuji TV on May 20, 2004 and ran for twenty-six episodes until its conclusion on March 19, 2005.
Samurai Champloo was critically acclaimed, and the series was dubbed in the English language and licensed by Geneon Entertainment for releases in North America. Funimation Entertainment began licensing the series after Geneon ceased production of its titles. It was also licensed for English releases in the United Kingdom by MVM Films, and in Australia and New Zealand by Madman Entertainment.
English Voice Cast
Main Cast
- Daniel Andrews - Mugen
- Kari Wahlgren - Fuu
- Kirk Thornton - Jin
Secondary Cast
- Michael McConnohie - Manzou "The Saw" Sakami
Minor Cast
- Abe Lasser - Councilor (ep24), Ginsa Momochi
- Barbara Goodson - Madam, Ogin (ep1), Prostitute
- Chris Kent - Officer #1 (ep17), Suzukichi (ep19)
- Darrel Guilbeau - Sousuke Kawara (eps3-4)
- Dave Mallow - Ichieimon, Lord Tamoto, Officer #2, Penta (ep22), Ryuu (ep13)
- Steve Schatzberg - Innkeeper (ep3)
- Dave Wittenberg
- David Keefir
- Derek Stephen Prince - Ryūjirō Sasaki
- Doug Erholtz
- Doug Stone
- Ethan Murray
- Francis C. Cole
- G. Gordon Baer
- Jack Bauer
- Jackson Daniels
- Jane Alan
- Jefferey Stackhouse
- Jennifer Sekiguchi
- Joey Camen
- Joey Capps
- Joey Lotsko
- John Daniels - Matsunosuke Shibui (ep1)
- John Smallberries - Construction Worker (ep1)
- Kevin Hatcher
- Julie Ann Taylor
- Karen Thompson
- Kari Wahlgren - Fuu
- Kate Davis
- Kirk Thornton - Jin
- Kurt Strauss
- Lex Lang
- Liam O'Brien
- Mia Bradly
- Melodee M. Spevack
- Michael McConnohie - Announcer (ep1), Innkeeper (ep2)
- Michelle Ruff
- Midge Mayes
- Peter Doyle
- Richard Epcar
- Robert Axelrod
- Russell Thor - Inuyama (ep2)
- Sam Regal
- Simon Isaacson
- Steve Cannon
- Steve Kramer
- Sue Beth Arden
- Taylor Henry - Oniwakamaru (ep2)
- Tony Oliver
- Wendee Lee - Hotaru (ep2)
- William Frederick