Superior Defender Gundam Force, or SD Gundam Force (SDガンダムフォース), is a 2004 Japanese anime television series produced by Sunrise. The series was released to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Gundam media franchise, and was the first Gundam series to be entirely animated in cel-shaded 3D computer graphics (3DCG), and first full-3DCG series to be broadcast on Japanese television. The show was directed by Yūichi Abe.
English Voice Cast
- Danny Katiana - Zapper Zaku
- George C. Cole - Gunbike
- Deborah Sale Butler - Shute
- Michelle Ruff
- Doug Erholtz - Captain Gundam, Grappler Gouf
- Kate Savage
- Scott Jasper
- Yello Lollicup - Bakunetsumaru
- Aliki Theofilopoulos
- Dominic Joseph
- Allan Peters
- David Lelyveld
- Wendee Lee
- Taylor Henry
- Michael McConnohie
- Kari Wahlgren - Princess Rele
- Dave Mallow
- John Smallberries - King of Lacroa