Rising Impact is a 2024 web anime based on the manga series written and illustrated by Nakaba Suzuki. It was produced by Lay-duce and the first season of the series premiered worldwide on Netflix on June 22, 2024, with a second season scheduled to premiere on August 6. The English dub of the series was produced by Studiopolis.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Abby Trott - Kiria Nishino
- Colleen O'Shaughnessey - Kurumi Nishino
- Debi Derryberry - Gawain Nanaumi
- Kieran Regan - Lancelot Norman
Secondary Cast[]
- Anne Yatco - Hershey Epor
- Ben Diskin - Quester Phoenix
- Cassandra Morris - Percival Lawrence
- Chris Hackney - Liebel Ringvald
- Christopher Swindle - Merlin Albright
- Courtenay Taylor - Aria Sayfort
- Daman Mills - Tristan Liones
- Erika Harlacher - Mika Kuromine
- Erin Yvette - Platalissa Bonaire
- Julie Nathanson - Yumiko Koizumi
- Kyle McCarley - Kai Tōdōin
- Landon McDonald - Hidemi Kanazono
- Michael Yurchak - Wanglian Li
- Mick Lauer - Daichi Arai
- Nicolas Roye - Riser Hopkins
Minor Cast[]
- Abby Trott - Guangling Li
- Anne Yatco - Kate Bickerton, Platalissa's Mom (ep14)
- Ben Diskin - Makoto Niiyama (eps2-4, 11)
- Christopher Swindle - Taizo Nanaumi, Tournament Official (ep3)
- Colleen O'Shaughnessey - Sfida Bonaire
- Courtenay Taylor - Nurse (ep3)
- Debi Derryberry - Liebel's Grandmother (ep6)
- Erika Harlacher - Bridget Barlowe
- Erin Yvette - Young Lancelot (eps22, 24)
- Griffin Burns - Ice Carmine, Junior (ep19), Takeo Mukaida (eps2-4, 11)
- Griffin Puatu - Hitomi Katase (eps11-12)
- James C. Mathis III - Bilford Cooper (ep12), Owner (eps3-4)
- John Eric Bentley - Tim Rossi
- Julie Nathanson - Kajury Norman (eps3, 7, 11, 22, 24)
- Landon McDonald - Gallery Member (ep16), Platalissa's Dad (ep14)
- Michael Yurchak - Jason Clement, Meliodas Liones
- Mick Lauer - Charles Livingston
- Nicolas Roye - Matthew Darcy, Ryan Gloom
- Ryan Colt Levy - James Houston, Tadashi Furuyama (eps2-4, 11)
- Todd Haberkorn - Arthur Phoneix, Dorfa Bentley, Raydil Jansen