Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan is a 2019 anime series based on the four-panel manga series by Yukari Takinami. It premiered in Japan on January 8, 2019. Funimation Entertainment is producing a simuldub of the series, which premiered on the FunimationNow streaming service on January 22, 2019.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - Ekoda-chan (ep11)
- Dawn M. Bennett - Ekoda-chan (ep7)
- Elizabeth Maxwell - Ekoda-chan (ep5)
- Emily Neves - Ekoda-chan (ep6)
- Felecia Angelle - Ekoda-chan (ep8)
- Jamie Marchi - Ekoda-chan (ep1)
- Kate Bristol - Ekoda-chan (ep10)
- Katelyn Barr - Ekoda-chan (ep12)
- Kristen McGuire - Ekoda-chan (ep9)
- Mallorie Rodak - Ekoda-chan (ep2)
- Megan Shipman - Ekoda-chan (ep3)
- Morgan Garrett - Ekoda-chan (ep4)
Minor Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - M (ep8)
- Amanda Lee - Blonde (ep10)
- Anthony Bowling - Takashi (ep1)
- Bonnie Mitchell - Female Reporter (ep12)
- Chris Thurman - Sam (ep3), Seiji (ep11)
- Clay Wheeler - Maa (ep2)
- David Novinski - Male Show Host (ep12)
- Emi Lo - Cat 3A (ep3)
- Eric Rolon - Fujino (ep1), Nakki (ep11), Tanaka (ep3)
- Imani Ani - Red (ep10)
- Jād Saxton - Purple (ep10)
- Jill Harris - Kouhai (ep9)
- Joe Cucinotti - Ohtsuki (ep11)
- Julie Shields - Female Idol A (ep12)
- Kimberly Grace - Ekoda's Sister (Child) (ep7), Female Idol B (ep12), Yoko (ep9)
- Kylie Stewart - Shuhei (ep9), Tanaka (ep12)
- Meli Grant - Ekoda's Mom (ep7)
- Mikaela Krantz - Orange (ep10)
- Quinn Angell - Nishida (ep1)
- Rachel Thompson - Ekoda's Sister (ep7)
Additional Voices[]
- Chris Thurman - Guy in Bed 3A (ep1)
- Greg Silva - Guy in Bed 1A (ep1)
- Jeremy Inman - Male Customer 1A (ep1)
- Joe Cucinotti - Male Narrator 1A (ep1)
- Nolan Chapa - Guy in Bed 2A (ep1)