Anime Voice-Over Wiki
Reshel Mae

Reshel Mae (born June 22, 1999) is an Asian-American actress and voice actress who has done voice work for Crunchyroll.

Anime Voice Work[]

Anime - Dubbing[]

Web Anime - Dubbing[]


  • Number of VA titles on this wiki: (42)
  • In the voiceover industry, Reshel has collaborated with many independent studios by providing English-language voices for video games, animations, and commercials. Some of her video game works include voicing Laura in Lost in Blindness and Lisa in Project 4: New Light City.
  • Aside from her acting career, Reshel has also dabbled in many hobbies throughout her lifetime, such as sports, softball, badminton, playing the ukulele, painting, sewing, origami, Hip-Hop dancing, and playing video games.