Requiem of the Rose King is a 2022 anime based on the manga series by Aya Kanno. It premiered in Japan on January 9, 2022. FUNimation Entertainment is producing an English dub, which will premiere on the FunimationNow streaming service on January 30, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Ciarán Strange - Richard III
- Landon McDonald - Henry VI
Secondary Cast[]
- Aaron Campbell - George, Duke of Clarence
- Brandon McInnis - Edward of Westminster
- Brent Mukai - Earl of Warwick
- Caitlin Glass - Queen Margaret of Anjou
- Elizabeth Maxwell - Jane Shore
- Emi Lo - Anne Neville
- Ernesto Jason Liebrecht - Edward IV of York
- Ian Sinclair - William Catesby
- J. Michael Tatum - Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York
- Kayleigh McKee - Joan of Arc
- Landon McDonald - Sir James Tyrrell
- Marisa Duran - Lady Isabelle Neville
- Meli Grant - Duke of Buckingham
- Morgan Lauré - Cecily Neville
- Oscar Seung - Thomas Grey, Marquess of Dorset
- Suzie Yeung - Queen Elizabeth
Minor Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - Edward V, Prince of Wales
- Ana Armenta - Beth (ep6)
- Austin Tindle - Warwick's Father (ep10)
- Ben Phillips - Lord Stanley
- Brienne Olvera - Earl of Richmond
- Cameron Casey - Lord Grey
- Carter Gill - Earl of Northumberland
- Cory Phillips - John Grey (ep2)
- David Novinski - Bishop of Ely
- Eduardo Vildasol - Oxford (eps23-24)
- Erica Muse - Servant (ep5)
- Ethan Gallardo - Nobleman B (ep5)
- Ian Mead Moore - William Hastings
- J. Michael Tatum - Narration (eps3-12)
- John Stimac - Innkeeper (ep8)
- Joshua Waters - Anthony Woodville
- Kdin Jenzen - Earl of Richmond's Mother
- Kelly Greenshield - Edward of Middleham (eps13-14)
- Kevin D. Thelwell - Actor B (ep9)
- Kristen McGuire - Prince Richard of Shrewsbury
- Marcus D. Stimac - Actor A (ep9)
- Marissa Lenti - Elizabeth of York (eps13-14)
- Mark Allen Jr. - Duke of Somerset (ep11)
- Michael Johnson - King Louis XI (eps5-6)
- Michael Stimac - Jack (eps2-3)
- Michelle Marie - Young Henry
- Michelle Rojas - Young Warwick
- Nazeeh Tarsha - Commoner (ep6)
- Paul Cline - Messenger (ep6), Nobleman A (ep5)
- Robby Gemaehlich - Soldier (ep12)
- Ry McKeand - Young Catesby (eps15-16)
- Seth Magill - Lord Howard
- Shawn Gann - Narration (eps1-2, 13+)
Additional Voices[]
- Aaron Campbell
- Aaron Dismuke
- Alex Hom
- Alex Mai
- Alexis Tipton
- Ana Armenta
- Anthony DiMascio
- Austin Tindle
- Ben Balmaceda
- Brandon Winckler
- Brianna Roberts
- Caitlin Glass
- Christopher Wehkamp
- Comona Lewin
- Cory Phillips
- Dalton Walker
- Danielle Yoshiko Phillips
- Dylan Mobley
- Emi Lo
- Emily Ernst
- Emily P. Faith
- Erica Muse
- Ethan Gallardo
- Evin Wood
- Hope Endrenyi
- Ian Emerson
- Jacob Alexander
- Jacob Eiseman
- Jared Smith
- Jason Crawford Jordan
- Jesse Stewart
- John Gerhardt
- John Stimac
- Jordan Dash Cruz
- Kayla Parker
- Kelly Greenshield
- Kelsey Maher
- Kevin D. Thelwell
- Kristian Eros
- Landon McDonald
- Maranda Rust
- Marcus D. Stimac
- Marianne Bray
- Mark Allen Jr.
- Matt Holmes
- Matt Thurston
- Matthew David Rudd
- Matthew Greenbaum
- Michael Stimac
- Michelle Marie
- Morgan Berry
- Morgan Lauré
- Nazeeh Tarsha
- Nicholas Markgraf
- Patrick Cann
- Paul Cline
- Rachel Starkey
- Ricco Fajardo
- Robby Gemaehlich
- Ryan Seale
- Sarah Wiedenheft
- Spencer Liles
- Suzie Yeung
- Tyson Rinehart
- Wyatt Baker