Rent-A-Girlfriend is a 2020 anime series based on the manga series written and illustrated by Reiji Miyajima. It was produced by TMS Entertainment and its first season aired in Japan from July 11 to September 26, 2020. The series is licensed by Crunchyroll and the English dub of the first two seasons were produced by Studiopolis. Crunchyroll is producing the dub in-house for the third season.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Aleks Le - Kazuya Kinoshita
- Lizzie Freeman - Chizuru Mizuhara
Secondary Cast[]
- Alex Cazares - Nagomi Kinoshita
- Edward Bosco - Umi Nakano
- Landon McDonald - Shun Kuribayashi
- Laura Stahl - Mami Nanami
- Lisette Monique Diaz - Mini Yaemori
- Nicolas Roye - Yoshiaki Kibe
- Sarah Anne Williams - Ruka Sarashina
- Suzie Yeung - Sumi Sakurasawa
Minor Cast[]
- Chris Hackney - Kazuo Kinoshita, Takeshi Sasano
- Colleen O'Shaughnessey - Harumi Kinoshita, Sayuri Ichinose, Sonoko Shimae
- Jim Foronda - Tabuse
- Landon McDonald - Boss (eps9-10, 12), Hiroshi Ushiibe (ep14), Katsuhito Ichinose (ep24)
- Laura Stahl - Yoko Shinbo
- Sean Letourneau - Teppei Shimizu
- Tara Sands - Imai, Nagomi's Friend (ep2)
- Wendee Lee - Tanaka, Yuki Kawanaka
- Xander Mobus - Iwafune
Additional Voices[]
- Adam Rowe
- Alejandro Saab
- Aleks Le - College Guy (ep7)
- Alex Cazares - School Girl (ep7)
- Chris Hackney - Creep (ep11), Guy (eps3, 11), Kid (ep11)
- Clayton Mathis
- Colleen O'Shaughnessey - Girl (ep2), Girl (ep2), Nurse (ep2), PA Announcer (ep10)
- Gerard Caster
- James Marler
- Jennifer Alyx
- Landon McDonald - College Guy (ep7), Creep (ep11), Guy (ep3), Guy 12B
- Nia Celeste
- Nicolas Roye - Guy 6A, Guy 12A
- Sarah Anne Williams - Fish (ep10), Old Woman (ep8), Woman (ep8)
- Tara Sands - Nurse (ep2), School Girl (ep7), Waitress (ep2)
- Trisha Mellon
- Van Barr Jr.
- Veronica Laux
- Wendee Lee - College Girl (ep8), Hostess (ep9), Senior Lady (ep1), Woman (ep8)
- Xander Mobus - Guy (ep11), Guy 12C