Reign of the Seven Spellblades is a 2023 anime series based on the light novel series written by Bokuto Uno and illustrated by Ruria Miyuki. It is produced by J.C. Staff and premiered in Japan on July 8, 2023. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on July 21, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Drew Breedlove - Oliver Horn
- Jill Harris - Katie Aalto
- Lexi Nieto - Pete Reston
- Matthew Elkins - Guy Greenwood
- Sara Ragsdale - Michela "Chela" McFarlane
- Veronica Laux - Nanao Hibiya
Secondary Cast[]
- Alex Hom - Gwyn Sherwood
- Bradley Gareth - Alvin Godfrey
- Corey Pettit - Vanessa Aldiss
- Dallas Reid - Carlos Whitrow
- Gerard Caster - Richard Andrews
- John Burgmeier - Luther Garland
- Kate Oxley - Vera Miligan
- Kiba Walker - Carlos Whitrow (Stand-In; ep7)
- Krystal LaPorte - Esmeralda
- Monét Tatianna Lerner - Shannon Sherwood
- Nia Celeste - Teresa Carste
- Robin Clayton - Ophelia Salvadori
- Sean Letourneau - Cyrus Rivermoore
Minor Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - Chloe Halford
- Brianna Roberts - Lynette Cornwallis
- Cassie Ewulu - Lesedi Ingwe
- Chris Gardner - Theodore McFarlane
- Cody Savoie - Dustin Hedges
- Conner Allison - Marco
- Corinne Sudberg - Evelynn Odets
- Davon Oliver - Fay Willock
- Ian Sinclair - Darius Grenville
- Kayla Parker - Annie Mackley
- Kiba Walker - Tim Linton
- Leo Matthews - Pamela Gorton
- Morgan Lea - Stacy Cornwallis
- Mark Allen Jr. - Enrico Forghieri
- Nick Marchetti - Tullio Rossi
- Tristan Bonner - Joseph Albright (young) (ep11)
- William Ofoegbu - Joseph Albright